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A Canadian solution to the challenge of building livable cities that work

https: / / / 2018 / 10 / 15 / a-canadian-solution-to-the-challenge-of-building-livable-cities-that-work our Smart City Sandbox has the potential to build a Canadian advantage in one of the greatest challenges the world faces – how to build livable cities that work....
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Bike to Work Week: Why We Ride

https: / / / ibi-insights / bike-work-week-ride
...I bike I have more energy, more creativity and generally feel more productive. I have biked to work more often than not since I started working at IBI Group in...


Can “Free Address” Work Environments Create a Sense of Place?

https: / / / ibi-insights / free-address-work it’s less disruptive for them to adjust their workstations and carry paperwork/files each day. Offering recharge spaces with treadmill work stations, massage chairs, and yoga/fitness rooms allow employees to...


IBI Group to Expand Its Work with the Florida Department of Transportation and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission

https: / / / 2022 / 09 / 20 / ibi-group-to-expand-its-work-with-the-florida-department-of-transportation-and-the-pennsylvania-turnpike-commission
...allow IBI to build upon its working relationship and offer improved, intelligent solutions based on a history of working knowledge. IBI’s new contract with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)...


Design De-straction: How to improve your work-from-home experience

https: / / / ibi-insights / design-de-straction-how-to-improve-your-work-from-home-experience
As companies around the world urge employees to work from home, millions of people are finding themselves in new territory. Our interior design team put together some easy work-from-home tips...


Cities & the Future of Work

https: / / / ibi-insights / cities-the-future-work
Automation, the gig economy, disruptive technology. The nature of work is changing and to ensure that residents and local economies thrive, cities need to change as well. Fast Company outlines...


Does Dockless Bike Share Work?

https: / / / ibi-insights / dockless-bike-share-work
In late January 2018, a new bike-share program will be hitting the streets of Canada’s most bike friendly city, Vancouver. The current bike-share program in the city is called Mobi;...

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